Backjoy Core Plus is the name of a portable posture fixer. It is very lightweight but is sturdy enough to help align the spine. This item has a high resell value even if they are used. You can see by looking on eBay that these posture correctors sell quickly. Even the gray versions sell well. Most thrift stores don’t know what they have so they price it lower than they should.
Make sure that the item is clean if you buy it used. These are great gifts for people who work in an office setting. They are meant to be carried from home to work. The backjoy core plus memory foam is even more comfortable. Most people don’t understand what these are based on their looks so you can usually find them.
They are really light which mean more profit for you. I would suggest shipping them wrapped in a plastic bag that way if the box gets wet, the Backjoy won’t get wet with it. You also may want to quarantine anything that has fabric once you buy it if you live in an area prone to bedbugs.
There are other versions than the one pictured but they all have the same curve shape. Also they will say Backjoy or Backjoy Plus on them. So be sure to add this item to your picking arsenal! Make sure that the fabric has been properly cleaned. you don’t want to bring in bed bugs to your home. If it doesn’t have a tag saying it has been disinfected, don’t buy it. This can’t be put into the clothes washer.
Update 5/22/15: I recently saw brand new Backjoys at Target. They were about $30+. So I doubt used ones are worth as much as they used to be. Who knows how long Target will keep these in stock. But hey if you ever wanted one for your office chair you can get them cheap now!