When you have a picture that you want to be displayed as a portrait, sometimes it gets uploaded to Etsy as a landscape. You can easily fix this with Gimp Editor. You don’t even have to do any real editing. You just have to click a couple buttons to make your Etsy item photos show they way you want them to. In this Etsy tutorial video I will show you how easy it really is.
Watching the YouTube video above will be a lot better at showing you the exact buttons to press. But I will explain the process the best I can here in words. First you will need to have Gimp Editor installed on your computer. It is a free picture and graphic editing software that I use. open the folder where you have your Etsy item pictures stored. Find the picture that you have that is a portrait. If you haven’t made it a portrait from the file so so now. Right click on the photo. (Right click means the button you normally don’t use.) Then click “Edit with Gimp” from the drop down menu.
Next when Gimp loads you will see a pop up that says do you want to rotate. Click Rotate. Now go to File and to overwrite *filename*. This will overwrite to the same file but save it as a portrait. Now you can go back to Etsy and upload the photos. They should now be displayed in the portrait style. Now your listings will look professional. I know there are probably other ways to do this, but this is the way I rotate my photos. If you have a lot of photos to upload then you will probably want to use some software that can bulk edit images. If you really have a lot then maybe you should hire a student or VA to handle your listings.