This is an important reminder that Amazon does not share the Buy Box for brand new books. If they are selling the same version of that book then they will hog the buy box. So the only sales you will make are when people look at all the offers and choose yours. Normally Prime members will use the Buy Box “Buy It Now” button. So be wary of buying a large quantity of brand new books.
You can still compete if Amazon is not selling the book themselves. Unfortunately I have even seen listings where Amazon is out of stock but shows the “more on the way” sign. So They really are protecting their new book business. Of course this is going to happen when the platform your selling on competes with you. I do think it is beneficail that Amazon sells on the same site. It shows that they want to maintain high standards that keep their customers coming back.
If you have used books then go ahead and list them. You don’t have to worry about the Amazon Buy Box problems. Many people make a residual income from FBA by buying massive amounts of used books and sitting on them. These are long tail items that over time add up to be a lot of money. If you plan on selling long tail items then remember that there is a long term storage fee for 12 months and 6 months. So it may be good to just send in one book if it has a really high rank.
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