Category: eBay

  • eBay Betrays Sellers

    Here’s one thing that eBay seller should be angry about. You pay fees to create listings on eBay right? Well then why are they selling ad space on your listings. Didn’t you already pay for that space. These advertisements don’t even link to other sellers. These ads go to another website. it takes them off…

  • Shopping Goodwill Outlet Stores

    When your selling online you only make as much money as your inventory will allow. If you really want to be successful you need to have a large inventory. That means popular items and long tail items that will take awhile to sell. The easiest way to expand you inventory is to go shop at…

  • Weird Items that Sell on eBay

    If you start selling online you will see some weird eBay items. These items you wouldn’t think would sell for money used, but they do. In this video I show some of the items that can be sold on eBay for money. Most people will think these are only worth a garage sale. Well you…

  • How To Search eBay Completed Listings

    If you are selling on eBay, you need to research the items you are selling. Using the eBay completed listings will give you a better idea of how much an item you have is worth. In this video I show you how easy it is to find the completed listings on their website. If you…

  • eBay Item: Yahtzee Handheld

    These can found really cheap at garage sales and thrift stores. Even if they’ve been used they can still bring you some money. They sell for about $24 used but if you find a Yahtzee handheld game brand new it can sell for over $100! What makes these sell for so much? Your guess is…