Make Money Online Now From Home with these methods. Here are 3 ways to use your internet connection right now and invest your money to make make cash. Domain flipping is a great way to invest your money because you can hand register domain names “” and sell them to make a huge profit. The profit margins are huge as most Geo domains sell for about $250 or more. The only draw back is that it’s hard to put a value on these online properties. These generic TLDs are worth as much as someone is willing to pay for them. This means it may take awhile to reap the big payday.
Another way to make money online 2014 is to develop these sites into blogs and make money with advertisements. Having a niche website in a topic you like to talk about is best. You want make your website about something that only a small amount of people are looking for. This way you won’t be competing with companies that have millions of dollars to buy advertising and many employees to write copy for their websites. Some good examples would be remote control airplanes because those machines cost a lot of money and there is a smaller group interested in them.
The third way I will share with you guys is making squeeze pages. This is a sales page promoting a product. You will still need to buy a domain name and some shared hosting (affiliate) but you can drive traffic to these small sites with Google Adwords. You will have to pay a lot of money to advertise compared to writing SEO keyword rich content. You will also need to learn which costumers you are targeting. This may take some trial and error on your part. But once you have dialed down the attributes of your customers you can make a lot of money in a short amount of time quickly. It will take money to make this money which is why many people get discouraged easily thinking they will be able to figure it out fast and have to abort when they don’t.
The worst thing you could do is go into debt trying to promote your website. It takes many many views and clicks to make a sale. You may get 1,000 views but only 100 clicks and only on 1 sale. But the fact is that it does work you just need to get people to your site. This also will help you gain residual income which means you would only have to work a little while a month to make profits. This lifestyle is explained in the book The 4 Hour Workweek. So be sure to research these as eventually you won’t be able to shop as much or find as much stuff to resell. this resell game is catching on with millions of people but you could put the same amount of hours into developing web content and make as much or not more than you do now selling on eBay and Amazon.
Here are the companies I use. I use (affiliate) for my shared hosting. You can add any domain name you would like and they have unlimited FTP which means you can add as many files or pictures you want to your websites. They have cheap .com’s available and sometimes have sales where a domain name is only 99 cents but you have to be a new user to get this deal. Here is my video on the what I’ve mentioned in this article: