Some companies have unconditional warranties. That means if their item ever breaks then you can return it for a new one, or get it repaired. This is a great opportunity for resellers. Sometimes you find damaged good at thrift stores and garage sales. You can buy them for really cheap and then go to the company to get it repaired. Then sell the replacement or repaired item online for a bigger profit.
In the video I share some of the companies that do this. Even if it’s just a repair job you will make more money. When you are buying these broken items be sure to haggle the price. Most stores will lower prices on broken items so that they can move them off of the shelves.
Some people find it immoral to return broken items and make money from it. Well I believe it’s better for the environment for things to be repaired. It’s one less thing that will end up in a landfill. First owners may be too lazy to check with the manufacturer. That is their loss. It’s a shame people are so willing to throw something out and replace it with a brand new item. Maybe that is just the millennial in me.
Plus think about the amount of money these big corporations are making. I think they can take the hit. they’re the ones who give out these guarantees in the first place. If they aren’t making money they would get rid of them. The reason they have these warranties is because it’s a marketing strategy. It makes their equipment seem rugged. Their stuff can handle a beating and is worth repair. It also gives their company a green look. They want to keep as many of their products out of the land fill.
Once you look at it this way, you will see how little it matters to them. Just because some people return items to the manufacture does not mean that prices go up. Manufactures are not the retailers. I’m not telling you to return items to thrift stores. I’m not telling you to take parts from items and then return them as broken. Those are horrible ways of doing business. But if you know how to repair things then why wouldn’t you want to to take advantage of a warranty?