When your selling online you only make as much money as your inventory will allow. If you really want to be successful you need to have a large inventory. That means popular items and long tail items that will take awhile to sell. The easiest way to expand you inventory is to go shop at the Goodwill outlet stores. Here you can buy items by their weight. this is a really cheap way to sell more items.
These stores are the last stop for items before they are recycled or thrown away. So many of the items may be damaged but you sell them for replacement parts. you will need to follow some safety rules. in the video I show what supplies you need to bring with you to get the most out of your trip. The number one thing you need to bring are gloves. Not fabric gloves. You need leather. There can be broken glass and you would do well to have a second skin to protect you.
You’ll also want to bring a magnet so that you can test jewelry you see quickly. If it doesn’t attach to the metal then it may be gold or silver. Save it in your cart to look at it more closely later. things go pretty fast as people eagerly go through the bins. you have to work fast and stand your ground.
You need to be polite of the people around you. i stopped going to the store local to me because grown adults were throwing things across the room and pushing me around. That is very rude and I don’t know how the managers allowed this to happen. I also wasn’t finding enough items to make up for the time I was spending searching. you must keep track of how much you are making per hour when you go out hunting. I think there was just too much competition at my store.